The Nightmare Story

Lucas (my BFF) and I loved to play Pokemon, mostly Emerald, Ruby, or Sapphire because those were our favorite games =3
Anyway, We did this for years upon years, until Lucas got a Gameshark.
Lucas and I were playing Emerald, when he thought to use his Gameshark to hack/glitch the game, you know, to see what cool things could happen. He read online if you use a Gameshark on PKMN Emerald, then you can enter this cheat code, where you can catch Celebi (celebii). We immediately put the code celebii in then saw, the character was teleported to a distorted world where Celebi was supposed to have been(?). So, he moves the character forward, then a textbox appears saying "You've come." Then a battle started, against a Lvl. 100 Celebii, wait its spelled Celebi isn't it?
We got destroyed by Celebii, then it said this "I've won." then we heard a loud piercing screech, the screen was white, we then were teleported to the distorted world once again, though Lucas said "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" He then threw his Gameboy at the wall, I grabbed it off the floor, Lucas had ran to his room, crying. I put the game in my Gameboy, turned it on, and saw his save file which was "LUCAS" was now gone.
I never saw Lucas at school anymore, I wondered why... Then I figured out that Lucas had been sent an Insane Asylum, WHY? Did Lucas go mad over the Gameshark code? Maybe the code was not meant for kids... I don't know...
I found the game on the desk, decided to play it, (I still had Lucas' Gameshark) I put in "celebii" and when I did, it teleported me an island, where Celebi was, YES the REAL Celebi. I wondered why the code was like that before... But... I guess some stories, aren't meant to be known...